Benjamin Radford shares his findings on completion of his manuscript for his Chupacabra book. An article about his findings will be in the next issue of Fortean Times. Topics include: What is a Chupacabra according to lore? What is the history of the creature? How does it tie in with livestock mutilations? Why does it appear to have two different […]

007 – Horrifying Hybrids

In this episode, MonsterTalk examines monsters that genetically blend humans with the other. Hosts Blake Smith, Ben Radford, and Dr. Karen Stollznow explore the plausibility of alien-human hybridization, dig into the real science of genetics — and consider the ethical questions involved. Weighing in on these issues is Dr. Steven Jones — noted geneticist, teacher, and television presenter. (He is also the […]

006 – Darwin vs The Wolfman

In this episode The ties between silver and werewolves appears to derive from the 1941 Universal film The Wolfman. Before the 1941 film most werewolf legends involved people becoming wolves by ritual. America has legends of wolfmen in Wisconsin, described in the book The Beast of Bray Road by Linda Godfrey. While many sightings have been reported, there is no scientific evidence of […]

005 – Dr. Dave Martill & Pterosaurs

In this episode Pterosaurs are not dinosaurs, but it is believed that they are closely related. The common ancestor that would prove this relationship has yet to be found. Pterosaurs had a remarkable number of variations in their body configurations. Big and small crests, long and short tails, big variety in wingspan, dental variation and and other features existed throughout […]

004 – The Plesiosaur Hypothesis

Is there a mysterious prehistoric “living fossil” lurking beneath the waters of Loch Ness? The idea that a colony of Plesiosaurs might have survived into modern times in the deep dark waters of Loch Ness has long captured the imagination of cryptozoology fans. But what do we know about these mesozoic marine animals whose fossils disappear from the record at […]

003 – Fins & Fossil Footprints

GLEN KUBAN HAS DONE EXTENSIVE RESEARCH on two cases important to monster enthusiasts. His article explaining the true nature of the “mysterious” carcass netted by the Japanese fishing vessel Zuiyo-maru and his decades long investigation into the alleged “giant humanoid tracks” in the Paluxy fossil bed in Texas both highlight the importance of a thorough investigation before assuming the remarkable is true. In the […]

002 – Anatomy of a Beast

In this episode Remembering a monster Patterson-Gimlin film “for dummies” overview Possible hoaxing-motive for Patterson was that he needed money Yeti legend tied directly to efforts at Mt. Everest The dual nature of the believer and the strength of belief The Men Behind the Beast Charles Fort The man for whom “Fortean phenomena” is named.  He chronicled the bizarre and […]

001 – Bigfoot DNA

DR. TODD DISOTELL JOINED US for our first MonsterTalk episode to discuss his various appearances on cryptozoology television shows as the DNA expert. He holds a PhD from Harvard, and a BA from Cornell. Dr. Disotell is currently teaching at NYU and his expertise is in primate evolution. His full professional biographical information can be found on his NYU webpage. Dr. Disotell’s background in […]