Regular Episode
243 – Basilisks are Over-Powered

243 – Basilisks are Over-Powered

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This episode DEFINITELY is explicit. 

Karen and Blake discuss the myths and legends of the Basilisk (and the Cockatrice). The conversation includes ancient legends, medieval legends, alchemy, a whole lot of bird sex, A.I. and information hazards.  Blake learns a bunch of new things about bird reproduction and Karen has to deal with the results.

Links for show notes:
Medieval references to Basilisks

Basilisk – Wikipedia

Cockatrice – Wikipedia

The Warsaw Basilisk – Mike Dash

The common basilisk lizard – Wikipedia

Site of the alleged Warsaw Basilisk – now a restaurant

Thomas Browne’s musing on the mechanics of the Basilisk and its gaze

Karl Shuker on Basilisks

The Renwick Cockatrice

The alleged link between Basilisks, Grimes and Elon Musk

Hen’s teeth and genetic regression (MonsterTalk #017) aka “Monsters from the Lab”

Alchemy and the Homunculus (MonsterTalk #053) aka “Onan The Jar Burying”

Sperm with little people in it

Parthenogenesis (Wikipedia)

Adult Parthenogenetic Chickens (Direct link to PDF)

The amazing and violent world of duck sex.

Why do birds only have one ovary?

How do hens store viable semen and keep it fresh?

How long can octopus semen remain viable when stored by females?

How to cook a cockentrice (Medieval Recipe)

Does vision shoot out of your eyes? Or into them? ANCIENT DEBATE!

Dung spontaneously combusts

Rococo Architectural/Art Style: Rococo – Wikipedia

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